Full-Length Plays
- Intelligence (2015), Arena Stage
- The Wizard of Oz (2013), Adventure Theatre-Musical Theatre Center
- Our Man Beverly Snow (2012) Active Cultures Theatre
- The Hampton Years (2011), Theater J
- Mad Breed (2008), Active Cultures Theatre
One Act Plays
- The Rachel Carson Project (2013), Dance Exchange
- Ira Aldridge: the African Rocius (2010), National Portrait Gallery
- Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead (2009), National Museum of American History
- Letters Home (2009), National Museum of American History
- Inaugural Moments (2009), National Museum of American History
- Stand Up and Break Your Silence (2009), National Museum of American History
- Lions of Industry, Mothers of Invention (2008), Discovery Theater
Award Ceremonies
- Mayor Arts Awards (2013), D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities
- Helen Hayes Tribute to Kevin Spacey (2012), TheatreWashington
- Hurston/Write Legacy Awards (2011), Hurston/Wright Foundation
- Helen Hayes Tribute to Tommy Tune (2011), TheatreWashington
- Helen Hayes Tribute to Edward Albee (2010), TheatreWashington
- Hurston/Write Legacy Awards (2009), Hurston/Wright Foundation
Short Plays
- Black Lives, White Chalk (2014), American Theatre Company
- Lizzie and Charlie (2014), Advocates for Youth
- Choosing Life (2014), Advocates for Youth
- Sisters, By Way of Grace (2014), Theatre Ariel
- In Your Neighborhood: Capitol Hill/H Street (2013), National Symphony Orchestra
- The Grand Gesture (2012), National New Play Network
- Cadette Troupe 227 (2012), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- Valentine's Day Sucks (2012) Round House Theatre: A Play in a Day
- Parties and Proposals (2011), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- The Case of the Shakespeare Sonnets Society (2011), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- Boom, Boom, Chicka, Chicka Boom! (2011), Round House Theatre: A Play in a Day
- Green Don't Slide, Oil Don't Grow (2010), Source Theatre Festival
- Much Ado About Ragu (2010), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- The Beauty Shop Supplier of Montgomery County (2010), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- No Nooky, No Hooky (2009), Rorschach Theatre: Mythappropriations
- Finals, Touchdowns, and Barrel Kicks (2009), Active Cultures: Sportaculture Festival
- Paul the Prince & the Seven Rock the Night Away Widows (2009), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- The Beautiful Sleeping Briar Rose (2009), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- Galactic Fantastic (2008), Rorschach Theatre: Mythappropriations
- My Thoughts of You (2008), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- A Plain Fool (2008), Round House Theatre: Heyday Players
- The Marine and the Devil (2007), Rorschach Theatre: Mythappropriations