Deep Belly Beautiful
at the Mead Lab at Flashpoint/theHegiraWritten by Jacqueline E. Lawton
Directed by Danielle A. Drakes
Designs by Brian Allard, Hannah J. Crowell, Elisheba Ittoop, Chris Niebling, and Erin Nugent
Featuring Lucretia Anderson, Tony Bullock, Felipe Cabezas, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, Jodi Niehoff, Michael Sainte-Andress, Rosie Sowa, and Anastasia Wilson
Photos by C. Stanley Photography
at the Mead Lab at Flashpoint/theHegiraWritten by Jacqueline E. Lawton
Directed by Danielle A. Drakes
Designs by Brian Allard, Hannah J. Crowell, Elisheba Ittoop, Chris Niebling, and Erin Nugent
Featuring Lucretia Anderson, Tony Bullock, Felipe Cabezas, Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, Jodi Niehoff, Michael Sainte-Andress, Rosie Sowa, and Anastasia Wilson
Photos by C. Stanley Photography